
Local 572 Celebrates 40 Years Protecting Laborers and the Working Class Rights

To commemorate Local 572’s Anniversary, June 10, 2014, Local 572 Welcom, Bienvenidos!! to the new Local 572's website. Our goal is to better serve and accommodate our members, and supporters alike. Links to newsletters, calendar events, photo galleries, links to LiUNA!’s Main website, social media links and much more will only be a click away! We invite you to join us in this celebration!

June 10, 2014 will mark the 40th Anniversary of Public Service Employee Local Union 572 working diligently to fight for the rights of the working class! Through the years Local 572 has made it priority to increase its presence and the LiUNA! brand throughout Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia and North Carolina. Striving to show Public Employees and Laborers alike that Local 572, the affiliate of LiUNA! kicks butt first and take names later. Whether on Capitol Hill lobbying or across the negotiating table fighting for wage increases or benefits, our members are our number one priority across all playing fields. As Larry Doggette the current Business Manager would say, “We (Local 572) would not have a job if our members do not have a job!” This journey has not been easy, but when you have dedicated and hard working staff all on the same accord, the support makes the uphill battle seem less strenuous.

Although this mission continues to hold obstacles we endure. This makes us that much more proud of our triumphs. Local 572, of course, could not grow into the power we are and will continue to be, without first taking risks, making mistakes and continuously engaging in training sessions. With this, we do not hide, but rather we wear our scars as badges! Local 572 prides itself of the knowledge and experience of our Staff, Representatives, and Stewards on how industriously we make efforts to represent the Members in a most efficient way. As a local we would first like to thank all of our members and also to all of those who have helped us succeed and prosper through the four long decades. We hope the support will continue so that Local 572 and LiUNA! as a whole will flourish.